Our resources

FoNS is committed to developing and sharing knowledge about workplace culture and person-centredness. We are delighted to share our resources to support that aim.

Our resources are freely available for ‘not for profit/non-commercial’ use only. Please contact [email protected] if you are unsure whether your planned use is permitted.

Creating Caring Cultures

As health and social care staff, we all want to be kind and caring and make sure that services are safe and effective. But how often do we step back and really look at what we do, think about the people that we work with and the ways we work together to provide care?

Creating Caring Cultures

Resilience-based Clinical Supervision

Resilience-based Clinical Supervision is a form of restorative clinical supervision which focuses on the ‘emotional systems motivating the response to a situation’ with a view to ‘enhancing wellbeing, resilience and improving patient care’.

Resilience-based Clinical Supervision

Project Reports

We are delighted to share some examples of the reports written by project teams. These reports demonstrate the ways in which teams worked collaboratively and creatively to plan, deliver and evaluate changes in practice

Project reports

The International Practice Development Journal

The IPDJ is an open access journal which aims to support the development and expansion of knowledge around person-centredness, person-centred care and practices (including experience, safety and quality) and person centred cultures (including workforce development and system transformation).