
Norfolk and Waveney Teaching and Learning Care Home Programme

We are delighted to share the final evaluation report of the Norfolk and Waveney Teaching and Learning Care Home Programme which was commissioned by Norfolk and Waveney ICB (formerly CCG).

The programme worked with 4 Care Homes providing Nursing Care across the Norfolk and Waveney system, focusing on the 4 interrelated components of the Teaching Care Home model:

  • A good care experience, enabled by:
  • Research and practice development in and from practice
  • Education/learning for staff and students
  • Community engagement

These are underpinned by

  • Working collaboratively across sectors/systems and
  • Acting as a resource across the social care sector

Each participating home focussed on a workplace project linked to the local priorities identified in the Enhanced Health in Care Home programme – projects identified by participating homes included Falls Prevention and End of Life Care. The Teaching and Learning Care Home (TLCH)  Programme ran for 18 months from February 2022-August 2023.

The TLCH Programme provided participating care home teams with an opportunity to explore their practice (linked to their localised workplace projects) to enable better resident outcomes. Participants identified that the Programme also created the possibility of working, learning and collaborating with each other along with system partners across their geographic area. Additionally they identified the opportunity to strategically influence whilst recognising and celebrating their achievements.

NW-TLCH-Evaluation-Final  (PDF 420KB)
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