Mollie Chisling

Specialist Practitioner, CAMHS Intellectual Disability Team

I have been a qualified learning disability nurse for 4 years and have worked alongside people with a learning disability for over 10 years.

I currently work as a team leader in a high secure forensic learning disability service, I work with a wide variety of people with various different and individual needs. My role includes supporting patients with mental health conditions, learning disabilities, ASD, ADHD  and trauma, I work hard to think outside the box in order to provide the best patient care possible. I also support and lead my nursing team through challenges and changes on the ward and also support them to provide care to a high quality standard.

I am extremely passionate about supporting people with learning disabilities to achieve their full potential. I am particularly passionate about reducing restrictive practice and improving quality of life for people with a learning disability and mental health conditions.

I am a trained mentor and have supported many students through their training, I look forward to supporting my mentee as part of this programme.