Mandy Mackelworth

Service Manager, Adult Disability Services, Guernsey

I am a learning disability nurse and proud of it. I believe strongly that learning disability nurses can be the catalyst for real change for some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our society. I am lucky to have worked in both the UK for 10 years and now in Guernsey for the last 11 years and have worked up to become manager of services for people with learning disabilities and/or autism in Guernsey. I genuinely believe that we can make significant changes working with colleagues from all disciplines and love to problem solve challenging situations with colleagues to find a solution.

I like bright new shiny things, so am constantly looking at new and innovative ways to move services forward. I enjoy nothing more than being able to change people’s lives for the better so am constantly striving for more/better/different. I love to have students who bring new ideas and question, so being part of this programme is a way to challenge myself and hopefully inspire the next generation of leaders in learning disability practice.