Reeny Mariampillai

Clinical Nurse Specialist – Learning Disabilities, The Royal London Hospital

I recently joined the team as a clinical nurse specialist for learning disabilities at Bart’s Health Trust, working alongside two other learning disability nurses trying to pursue the same objective- to improve patient care for people with learning disabilities.

Evidence demonstrates that people with learning disabilities have poorer access to health care and as a result of die prematurely. My role is to make reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities to improve their experience and to encourage them to return, when needed, to ensure they receive timely treatment. This will hopefully reduce health inequalities.

As I have started my new role recently, I am hoping that the fellowship will enable me to:

  • Develop my leadership skills by advocating on behalf of my patients and their families/ carers by incorporating the trust’s values into my practice.
  • Raise awareness about learning disability within my trust, emphasising the importance of making reasonable adjustments and improving patient outcomes.
  • Network, learn and to share resources with other learning disability nurses throughout England.
  • Receive support from my internal and external mentor for my quality improvement project and professional development.