Lucy Hutchinson

Community Learning Disability Nurse AST Intensive Support, Norfolk Community Health & Care NHS Trust

I currently work in the learning disability intensive support team in the community. This involves working with patients and their parents/carers to keep people in their homes and prevent hospital admissions. Patients are referred to us when they are displaying challenging behaviours and/or mental health deterioration, we will then attend to advise and support parents, carers and staff involved. I see the patient to obtain background information and produce an assessment of the current needs. I will then devise a plan which may include discussions with a psychiatrist, arranging an MDT meeting and putting together a positive behavioural support plan. This support will be implemented quickly, and support is available 7 days per week.

Attending this programme will mean that I will have the time to reflect on how I can improve services and working practices. It will help to develop my confidence in leading effective and positive change. The fellowship will benefit my team by helping me to lead in making improvements in joint working and establishing useful networks to enhance the team’s practice. It will also help me to recognise and utilise each team member’s strengths. For patients and their friends and carers, it will mean that the support they receive will be effective, cohesive and person-centred. I feel that by taking part in this programme I will learn the necessary skills to drive improvement and improve patient outcomes.