Sarah Higgins

Community Learning Disability Nurse, Specialist Health Team, Bridgwater, Somerset

I work in a community learning disability team. I support new referrals within the service making appropriate recommendations along with assessment, implementation, reviewing and evaluating episodes of care, using individual care plans and outcome measures. Within my role I also carry out peer, clinical and management supervision, attend multi-disciplinary meetings and work collaboratively with other agencies. Within my role, I promote values and principles for a person-centred approach as well as an advocate for individuals with learning disabilities ensuring that their rights, needs and dignity are met. One of the main elements in my role is raising awareness about what a learning disability is and providing support for individuals to access mainstream services with reasonable adjustments.

I’m hoping that this programme will allow me to reflect on my practices allowing me to develop leadership skills to enhance my future development as a learning disability nurse, identifying how my influences affect my practice and colleagues and to build confidence within myself. I would like to identity methods to support the service with delivery of high quality care as well as identifying approaches to support staff and well-being.