Elizabeth Maushe

Learning Disability Nurse, Milton Keynes University Hospital

My role consists of supporting people with learning disabilities to ensure they have equal access to services by making sure reasonable adjustments are put into place to meet their needs. I also work closely with other members of the MDT to ensure the knowledge and skills of professionals can be used to meet the needs of the person in a person-centred way.

My role allows me raise awareness of learning disabilities and what it means for professionals to support these individuals in an acute setting. Furthermore, I work closely with families and carers acting as an advocate ensuring the needs of people with learning disabilities are at the forefront of all care provision. I support for people with learning disabilities who have anxieties and fears of hospital settings and work alongside them to build therapeutic relationships to ensure they receive the necessary care and treatment.

As this role is new within the trust. I believe this programme will help increase my confidence in ensuring the holistic needs of people with learning disabilities are considered within an acute setting. Furthermore, the programme will bring awareness of the various methods and approaches that can be used. The programme will also highlight ways to improve the quality of care provided to people with learning disabilities and help to ensure the necessary changes can be put into place to make these improvements.

The programme will also help with professional development, as it will allow me to develop new skills, knowledge and expertise that will ensure I can support people with learning disabilities in a person-centred way.

Finally, I believe the programme will help build relationships between professionals and create a more competent workforce that will have an overall benefit for people with learning disabilities and their family/carers.