Dawn Smith

Community Learning Disability Nurse, Ashford, Canterbury and Coastal Community Learning Disability Team

I qualified as a Registered Nurse Learning Disability (RNLD) in 2020 and had several placements with the community learning disability team and was fortunate enough on my management placement (3rd year) to be able to apply for the post I am now in. Working within the community trust I am gaining experience working with adults with learning disabilities with complex needs using a holistic care planning approach.

I work closely with colleagues within the health and social care area of practice. In order to fully support the patients within my care it is imperative that communication between professionals is developed and maintained to ensure effective working. Furthermore, collaborative working has ensured that a holistic approach to care is provided at all times where the person remains central.

I am looking froward to gaining confidence and to improve the ways in which we create caring cultures and embed these within my team.

Through the pandemic we are now working differently. I would like to take the opportunity from this programme to reflect and improve this in some way. The COVID situation has really made us dig-deep into our reserves personally and professionally. I think this may in the long term, yes, bring strengths out in us as a team but also some weaknesses. It can be difficult for senior members of our team to move forwards.  I think the COVID restrictions/changes to our workload mean that we can move forwards and be more innovative in the way we work and deliver interventions – how we bring others along with this will be interesting.