Christine Potter

Community Learning Disability Nurse, Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust

I work in the LD community team which is based in Derby City. The team has a variety of health professionals who I work and liaise with regarding our patients. Referrals for patients are sent into our team to discuss weekly and assess which team is best placed to support the individual. Sometimes this could mean joint working alongside another health professional within the team to ensure that our patient receives the best care. Our team has recently changed its specification criteria to meet the needs of our wider patients who often struggle in community settings with a variety of issues. This could be drug/ alcohol abuse, non-concordance with medication and many more issues.

Since qualifying it’s been a bit of a hectic year with dealing with the effects of covid-19 impact and restrictions. I am hoping to re connect/network with others who share my passion for stamping out inequality and ensuring that people who have a learning disability are empowered to live their lives to their full potential. My patients, their families and carers may be interested to hear of any new developments which I learn of and able to pass this information to them. Similarly, my team members will be interested to hear of anything new in our weekly team briefs so I shall endeavour to pass on any relevant information where appropriate.