Amy Quirk

Learning Disability Named Nurse, Pennine care NHS Trust

I currently work as a named nurse, offering short breaks to adults and children with learning disabilities and complex health needs. The service provides them with a short break away from their families and carers. We have two bungalows and offer 24 hour care/support to a maximum of 3 children and 3 adults in each unit dependent on their needs and compatibility. This is currently only funded for 40 weeks of the year. As named nurse I am responsible for the well-being of each service user who accesses our service as well as co-ordinating the staff team, offering everyone the support they need. I am heavily in creating their person-centred care plans which are written in conjunction with them where possible and their families, together with any risk assessments, epilepsy care pans and other care plans necessary to support them while they are in our care.

I feel this programme will enhance and build upon the knowledge and skills I have. It will hopefully allow me to develop as a professional and give me the tools, or sign post me to the tools required to be a good leader/role model and respected nurse. I have always aspired to be an inclusive nurse and always respect the values and opinions of the people I support and their families. I hope this fellowship will equip me to do that, I want to manage and deal with situations more professionally, especially when having to have those ‘awkward and uncomfortable conversations’ whether this be with the people I support, their families, staff/team members or other members of the wider multi-disciplinary team. I’m hoping I can learn from this experience, be inspired, and be innovative with my own thinking and share this with others. Most importantly, I want to enjoy the experience.