Jody Howie

Admiral Nurse/ Team leader/ MCH Dementia Lead, Medway Community Health Care

Hello my name is Jody and I manage one of the first Dementia Crisis teams in Kent, we are a small team of 11 members of staff who support people living with dementia and their families in the community. I am very proud of what my team does and what they have achieved, they are a good team and work really hard for their patients.

I am also the Admiral Nurse for my services, which has been my dream job since I was a student nurse, I am very proud to be an Admiral Nurse and feel very privileged in my role that families let me into their lives and that I can be there for that family in a time of need.

I feel passionate about working with carers of people living with dementia and If I can make one little bit of difference in that person’s world, I feel like I have won.

I am hoping that the Inspire Improvement Fellowship will help increase my confidence as a team leader and help me to learn how I can put our ideas into action.