Kit King

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Lead Nurse, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn

Hi, I’m Kit. I’m a neonatal nurse and I work in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where we provide care for babies born too soon or too sick and we support families through their NICU journey. I’m passionate about neonatal care because it’s a privilege to be part of a family’s most precious time and to be an advocate for such special and vulnerable patients.

I work with an amazing team of nurses, healthcare assistants, housekeepers and ward clerks and alongside doctors, maternity and paediatric staff in our division.  During my 17 years in nursing, I have often been inspired by people I work with and I have been very fortunate to have some amazing role models who have supported and empowered me.

I joined the NICU as a staff nurse in 2005 and qualified in speciality to care for the sickest, intensive care babies. My greatest career achievement was being promoted to a junior sister where I was in charge of the clinical shift and team. Later, I took the role of the neonatal community team lead as a joint role with my colleague, where we specialised in the safe discharge of our patients and ensuring a seamless transition from NICU to home. From 2017 I was seconded twice into the role of NICU ward manager and then the substantive position which is my current role.

My chief nurse at our trust told me about the Inspire Improvement Fellowship and encouraged me to apply. I am so excited to be accepted onto the programme and to collaborate with other fellows in different clinical settings. I am keen to apply the creative approach in our neonatal setting and to empower the team I work with to grow and develop and to improve cultures for our colleagues and the families we care for.

For more information, contact: [email protected]