Jill Strathdee

District Nurse Team Leader, Aboyne Health Centre, NHS Grampian

I manage a community nursing team in Royal Deeside, Aberdeenshire, we provide nursing care in the home for patients of 4 GP practices; total practice population 1132. I have been involved in the team since 2000 as a community nurse, seconded to a diabetes specialist nurse role, district nurse then finally district nurse community practice teacher before taking up the role of team leader in 2019. The caseload catchment area has a higher than average over 65s population; 9.2% higher (Scotland Census). The team consists of 8 members; 6 community nurses, 1 health care support worker and myself, we are a well-established team, and most have been in post for more than 10 years. Their skills, knowledge and areas of specialist interest and expertise allow us to deliver a high standard of patient centred care.

COVID19 has been a stressful time for the team both professionally and personally and as a result the resilience of the team has been reduced. I am optimistic that the programme will furnish me with the skills and knowledge of transformational leadership to act as a role model who will facilitate and support the team to embrace the uncertainty and changes that lie ahead of us as we begin to rebuild the district nursing service after the pandemic, which in turn will inspire and empower the members of the team to make a great team ever better.

For more information, contact [email protected]