Andreia Simoes

Senior Sister, Coronary Care and Acute Cardiac Unit, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

Hello my name is Andreia Simoes and I am a passionate, eager and motivated nurse. I am always looking for ways of improving myself as a nurse but also as a person. The core values that I feel help me achieving this are responsibility, integrity, teamwork and having my goals well defined. I graduated as a nurse in July 2013 and in March of the following year I changed my life completely by moving from Portugal, where I am from, to England. It has been an amazing adventure both professionally and personally.

All my career has been within cardiology and last year I was promoted to senior sister. I am now in charge of both Coronary Care Unit and G9 Acute Cardiac Unit at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust. The Coronary Care Unit is a 10 bedded unit that has close links with the 20 bedded Cardiac Step-down Unit, G9. Cardiology at Frimley Park Hospital offers a 24-hour primary PCI service for STEMI patients and we also care for patients who have acute coronary syndrome, myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock, heart failure and arrhythmias.

My aim is always to work towards developing my skills and knowledge with the aim to improve the care that I provide. I hope that the Inspire Improvement Fellowship will develop my leadership skills further to inspire my team and promote changes in a more positive and effective way.

For more information, contact [email protected]