Sheeba Jefferson

Deputy Nurse Director, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

I am immensely proud and happy that I am in my 31st year as a nurse. I qualified in India and worked there for 5 years. I also worked in the Middle East for 7 years before coming to the UK in 2001 as part of the International Nurse Recruitment Campaign.

I currently work as a Deputy Nurse Director within Gynaecology & Radiology at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals. I started this new role in the middle of the current covid-19 Pandemic!!

Our team is extremely passionate about providing timely quality care to all our patient groups. This pandemic has brought teams together in ways that were never imagined before. However, the greatest challenge for us as leaders is to build and nurture the teams with care and compassion so that we can continue to provide best possible care to our patients/clients.

I strongly believe that this fellowship will help me to develop greater insight into my own strengths and weaknesses as a nurse leader and enable me to develop confidence in facilitating improvement in the team culture. I also hope that this fellowship will help me to develop more understanding of my team with kindness and gentleness. This programme also gives me the great opportunity to network and develop together with like-minded peers whose support can be a vital resource.

Through this wonderful opportunity of working with my front line staff I believe that a shared purpose will evolve which will unite my team to enable them to work seamlessly together to deliver best patient experience. This genuine staff engagement will promote honest conversation, giving the team time to express how they feel and helping each other and exploring together how we could transform our team culture by identifying solutions to bridge the gaps. This empowerment of staff would promote ownership of their practice and pride in their achievement as a team in delivering excellent patient outcome and experience.

For more information contact Sheeba on email: [email protected]

For more information contact Sam: [email protected]