Pamela Galloway

Pamela Galloway
Clinical Midwifery Manager, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy
I have been qualified as a midwife for 28 years, working in a variety of areas, I commenced my current post in January 2018. I am responsible for the senior charge midwives in the inpatient maternity areas, within this, the Consultant Led Unit has 11 senior charge midwives who provide 24 hour cover. The team have faced a challenging time over the last two years; this has included changes in the management structure and national directives regarding large scale service redesign. I envisage the benefits of the fellowship and the Inspire Improvement programme will help me to ensure staff feel valued and listened to, whilst encouraging them to be empowered to make their own changes within a safe environment.
I am passionate about person centred care and believe we should listen to women and involve them in co-producing services. I have undertaken some work in the last year involving service users and I am keen to learn more on how we can achieve this.
The key to improving and developing excellence in service provision is the culture of the workplace and the team within that. We work in an ever changing environment and require staff to embrace the challenge of change. Some staff have engaged in change whilst others fear change. I hope to learn how to support and encourage staff through this process promoting a positive and effective team culture.