Karen Kane

Unit Manager, Ambulatory Care, Altnagelvin Hospital, Northern Ireland

I have worked as a registered nurse for almost 16 years and have been employed at Band 7 level for over 5 years. I am currently leading a relatively new Ambulatory service that is just starting to earn its credibility within our organisation as we can now see data that reflects a higher demand for service yet decreased rate of in-patient admissions. I believe we are still very much in the infancy of our development journey. I am extremely motivated and highly driven for continual development of myself and of my team. I thrive to lead an ambulatory service that will positively impact on care provided to our patients.

I am confident that my team and I will benefit greatly from this programme and it will help me understand my role and how I engage with the team in influencing the culture of care we provide to our patients. I want to create a culture in my nursing team that urges them to want to develop themselves and lead to drive change and progress themselves as professionals. Most importantly I want my team to feel appreciated and valued.

Ambulatory care is a revolutionary approach to medicine in comparison to the traditional in patient care setting. I want to ensure a positive safe experience for patients, families and carers through my team and mostly I want them to feel valued, respected and included. I want to create an environment that provides safe and effective acute care to patients without admitting to the in-patient hospital setting.

I look forward to networking and learning from the other fellows and would greatly welcome opportunity for a peer review of my service.