The Inspire Improvement Fellowship

The Inspire Improvement Fellowship has been a flagship FoNS programme, underpinned by FoNS’s Creating Caring Cultures model. It is available for commission by trusts and organisations in health and social care. Contact [email protected] for an informal conversation about the options.

Funded by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, it supported almost 70 frontline clinical leaders, developing their understanding, skills and confidence as facilitators of culture change in the workplace. It proved transformative for participants, with personal growth, professional development and promotions, and enabled fellows to become the nurse leader they aspired to be.

This programme has now been superseded by the FoNS Person-centred Cultures Develp0ment Programme which has a greater focus on workplace culture but shares the same inspiring ways of working, theoretical underpinnings and transformational outcomes.

Competence and confidence in using new leadership skills, methods and approaches

  • ‘Gave me the confidence to take creative risks’
  • ‘This is a game changer. I’m so glad I did it and feel more supported now than at any time in my nursing career’
  • ‘I can’t quantify the impact it’s had on my life. The change I have seen in nursing and the culture of care is staggering. The unit has embraced this to such a degree it has changed lives: The lives of staff and service users’
  • ‘Given me the confidence to step back and ask staff how they can help rather than me fix it’

Initiated new workplace activities as a result of the learning from the workshops

  • ‘Really chuffed at the positive feedback that was received from my away day today! Wouldn’t have dreamed of facilitating this 12 months ago’
  • ‘I decided to take a different approach’
  • ‘For me as a manager, the experience has been an eyeopener. It is the first time I have asked my team members to articulate their feelings and in doing so I have had some honest and frank conversations with different members of staff’
  • ‘I could start to see people changing their mindset after only spending a day together using creativity and new approaches to participation and collaboration’

Transformed leadership approaches resulting in other positive outcomes

  • ‘The Inspire Improvement Fellowship has fundamentally changed how I practice on a day-to-day basis. My colleagues have commented on how much better they feel things are in the workplace. We are closer as a team, more cohesive, more supportive and more productive’
  • ‘We have now moved from 40% vacancy to predicted 9% vacancy rate in January which is very exciting’
  • ‘I think since the FoNS Inspire Improvement programme, it is more apparent that you have a democratic leadership style where you promote open communication and you focus on your team as individuals with different skills and personality and how to get the best out of your team by nurturing them’ [senior colleague]
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