A Quality Review of a Specialist Multidisciplinary Service Caring for People with Long-term Neurological Conditions/Spasticity
Building on Positive Experience: Developing, Implementing and Evaluating a Model for a Self Harm Clinic
Developing a Recovery Based Quality of Life Service for People with Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders
Sleeping Better: Improving Sleep Habits in Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities using Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches
Improving Patients’ Experience of Transfer from the Adult Intensive Care Unit to the High Dependency Unit
‘Knowing why we do what we do’ – Establishing a Unit Practice Council to Improve Evidence Based Nursing Practice in Acute Medicine using Appreciative Inquiry
Culturagram: Developing and Implementing a Culturally and Ethnically Sensitive Family Assessment Tool for People Living with Dementia and their Families