Residential Programme: New Location

Our unique residential programme will now take place at Sedgebrook Hall, Chapel Brampton, Northampton.

The residential programme, along with all FoNS programmes, is underpinned by FoNS’s ethos: 

  • Collaborative and participatory ways of learning and being
  • Learning in, from and through the workplace
  • Using creativity to facilitate learning
  • Reflective practice
  • Facilitative approaches
  • Working with values and beliefs
  • Understanding person-centredness, valuing all
  • Recognising the impact and importance of workplace culture

Thus enabling people to be the nurse or practitioner they wish to be, working authentically and building momentum to create more person-centred workplace cultures. We know it works, and have seen the impact of the programme time and time again. 

If you’d like to be part of this movement, please do get in touch soon, places are very limited.

Visit the FoNS Residential Programme pages. 

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