A thousand nurses in social care to be offered professional development

We are very proud to have been commissioned by NHS England to facilitate Resilience-based Clinical Supervision for social care nurses in England.

‘This is the first ever nation-wide programme, specifically focusing on nursing in social care.’ said Joanne Bosanquet, CEO at the Foundation of Nursing Studies. ‘It is well documented that nurses in this sector often feel professionally isolated despite practising at a high level and embracing complexity.’ Grace Cook, RBCS Programme Manager and Lead Facilitator added, ‘I am absolutely delighted that this programme will support the well-being of nurses within social care and also provide an opportunity for connection across the sector.’

Reacting to the announcement, Deborah Sturdy, England’s Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care and Advisory Group member said, ‘I am pleased to be working with FoNS on developing the RBCS programme. This is a really important opportunity for colleagues across social care to benefit from a supportive approach to supervision. This will help nurses improve their own well-being, that of the teams they lead and ultimately have a positive impact on those in their care. Social care nurses do an incredible job, across a diverse range of services and deserve to have the requisite skills to nurture, validate and support themselves and others in their essential work.’

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