Title of ArticleA student reflection on person-centredness
Type of ArticleCritical Reflection on Practice Development
Author/sDanielle Childs
ReferenceVolume 9, Issue 1, Article 12
Date of PublicationMay 2019
KeywordsNursing, person-centredness, student nurse, self-care, reflection, practice development


Background: This article describes, from a reflective stance, my experiences of exploring the concept of person-centred culture (McCormack and McCance, 2017) in healthcare, as an undergraduate nursing student. It also examines my early attempts to apply person-centred practices. I will share how I began to apply person-centred ideals in my student involvements, work experiences and everyday life. In my current environment person-centred approaches are not commonly emphasised and I wish to learn more about applying person-centredness in my nursing practice.

Aim: To use self-reflection to describe how I have started to apply the principles of person-centredness to my experience as a nursing student, as a current healthcare provider and as a person.

Conclusion: Person-centredness and person-centred practice are complex but learning is continuous and the lessons learned can be applied in small ways in order to improve healthcare for practitioners and those receiving care.

Implications for practice:

  • Readers can take this work and use it as an aid to examine their own experiences and how they relate to person-centredness
  • This reflection could help others working in environments where person-centred approaches are not commonly emphasised to start developing their own person-centred care practices
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