International Practice Development Journal


Title of ArticleA critical reflection on the use of a pop quiz: how a care home is building a person-centred culture by understanding a person’s uniqueness
Type of ArticleCritical Reflection on Practice Development
Author/sKelly Marriott-Statham
ReferenceVolume 7, Issue 1, Article 7
Date of PublicationMay 2017
Keywordscare home, person-centredness, pop quiz, raising consciousness, uniqueness, workplace culture

Background: Governmental changes sought the merging of the separate residential sections within a regional standalone residential care home in Australia. Nurses working at the facility implemented process changes following action learning sets. A pop quiz was created to help nurses adapt to the changes, asking fun, individualised questions about those they cared for.

Aims: To reflect personally and critically on the thoughts, feelings and practices that emerged among the group of nurses after the implementation of a pop quiz, using Gibbs’ (1988) reflective process. Also, to analyse the effectiveness of the pop quiz in helping create a caring and person-centred culture.

Conclusions: The pop quiz proved a significant tool in raising consciousness among this group of nurses about their contribution to the overall care environment and culture of the home, empowering them to move towards a truly person-centred culture rather than moments of person-centredness.

Implications for practice:

  • Pop quizzes can be a useful tool, challenging practitioners to think critically about those they care for, evoking emotion and raising consciousness about how they are contributing to the care environment and culture
  • Pop quizzes are simple to create and could be implemented in any healthcare context

This article by Kelly Marriott-Statham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License.

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