The new Inspire Improvement Fellows 2018 and their journey so far

Jo Odell, FoNS Practice Development Facilitator

In 2017, FoNS introduced the new Inspire Improvement Programme and eleven clinical leaders were successfully selected to be Inspire Improvement Fellows after being interviewed with their managers. Last week the new 2018 Inspire Improvement Fellows met for the first time at the initial two-day residential workshop held in the midlands.

I am delighted to introduce the Inspire Improvement Fellows 2018 pictured here with FoNS CEO Theresa Shaw. The fellows come from a variety of clinical specialisms and from geographical locations across the UK, all brought together by a desire to be a facilitative leader of a caring culture. The fellows are listed below and will work with FoNS to develop their skills and confidence at the workshops and will be supported in practice by me, as the lead facilitator for the programme, to put these new skills, methods and approaches into practice.

Here is how two of the fellows have described their learning so far:

Sian Perry

“Day one started promptly at 9am with us transferring our homework (hopes, fears, expectations, critical questions etc.) to post it notes to share with the group as well as setting the ground rules or ways of working so that this group was a safe environment for us all to share our thoughts and feelings.

I could go on in some detail on each aspect of the two days but in reality, Jo used different methods, from visualisation, active listening skills, active learning techniques to mind maps which made us ask ourselves some difficult questions and to consider different ways of looking at the many ways to change culture within teams. This really challenged our own expectations of what leadership is and how to “be” a leader instead of “doing the leading”.

It’s fair to say not all of us “got” every method but all of us had at least one “lightbulb” moment when things started to slot into place. we quickly became a group where it felt safe to explore our own feelings around leadership and the things we struggled with in the workplace.

Reflecting on day 2, I am in awe of how brave some of the group were when sharing their feelings and concerns about how they lead their teams and how similar all our hopes, fears and expectations of this programme were. We are a diverse group but, as Jo kept reminding us, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience we can share with each other.

 I am confident that with Jo’s support and the support of this group I can make a positive difference to my team and become a better facilitative leader for my team and for my colleagues in my Health Board.”

Vikki Garrick

Well, I’ve completed my first 2 day workshop for the Inspire Improvement Programme and I can honestly say I have never done ANYTHING like this before. It has challenged me in so many ways already – all good challenges – but challenges nonetheless.

I have been a nurse for 27 years and can’t remember a time where I felt such rapid cohesion with my counterparts on any programme. Our group has bonded so quickly. There are no agendas and no judgements – just 10 other people all on the same journey as me. That is so refreshing.

By the end of the 2 day workshop I had learned many things:

  • Reflection is vital if change is to happen
  • We are all human and it is easy to forget that
  • You can’t ‘do’ change. You have to ‘be’ change. Behaviour and mindset are important
  • ‘I’ won’t do anything. ‘We’ will
  • I can’t make my ideas happen. They are only my ideas – more can be learned from ‘our’ ideas
  • I absolutely LOVE stickers!

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