Resilience-based Clinical Supervision in the South East of England

Katie Webb, NHSE SE RePAIR Fellow

I’ve long been a passionate advocate of clinical supervision and so, having recently completed the Champion and Cascade Resilience-based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) programme, I am really looking forward to facilitating my first group of supervisees to put this into practice. From the conversations I have had with colleagues across the South-East, it has been great to hear how well the model complements the role of the Professional Nurse and Midwife Advocate.

The legacy HEE (Health Education England) funded programme for the Foundation of Nursing Studies to develop facilitators of RBCS across the South-East region of England has reached an important milestone. There are now 141 facilitators from nursing, midwifery and allied health professions who are able to deliver clinical supervision, underpinned by the principles of compassion-focused therapy. The community of practice provides a great way for RBCS facilitators to meet and share their experiences of embedding supervision in their organisations and this peer support will be critical to help them navigate and overcome potential challenges.

Taking time to reflect on our practice in a safe environment provides a great learning opportunity at all stages of a healthcare career. Discussions are enhanced by the inclusion of mindfulness and positive re-framing to challenge our inner critic.

If you are interested to know more, I would encourage you to find out who has completed their RBCS facilitator programme in your organisation and visit the Foundation of Nursing Studies website where there are some brilliant resources and guides to RBCS.

A focus on supporting the wellbeing of colleagues, through clinical supervision, will enable us to provide the very best care for our patients and will be an important part of any strategy to retain our students and staff and promote their wellbeing.

The South East England Region programme was funded by Health Education England, now NHS England Workforce, Training and Education Directorate. Resilience-based Clinical Supervision is available to any organisation in health and social care.

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