Angela Shepherd RGN, SPQ Critical Care, BN, PG Cert, MSc

Associate Facilitator

Angela Shepherd RGN, SPQ critical care, BN, PG Cert, MSc - Associate FacilitatorAfter completing her nurse training in Glasgow in 1983, Angela moved to Fife where she has worked in the NHS in a variety of clinical settings including care of the elderly, acute medicine and latterly coronary care, where she was a Senior Charge Nurse. Angela has always been interested in practice education and staff development and in 2004 she began working for NHS Education for Scotland (NES) as a Practice Education Facilitator. She moved to her current role as NES Nursing and Midwifery Practice Educator in 2011 and is based in NHS Tayside.

Angela is passionate about person centred practice and culture; her MSc dissertation explored the concept of compassion in nursing and whether it could be taught. She has a keen interest in Resilience-based Clinical Supervision and is delighted to be joining the FoNS team as an Associate Facilitator delivering the RBCS programme. Angela enjoys running and has recently begun practicing yoga in her spare time.