Sarah Mapp

Nurse practitioner, Midlands Partnership Foundation Trust, Stafford

I currently work in an intensive support team, alongside the community learning disability team. We are currently working from home. Our main objective is to prevent inappropriate hospital admissions for people with a learning disability. We develop PBS plans and offer PBS support and recommendations in order to support people in the community. We liaise with local transforming care professionals in sourcing and maintaining appropriate community provision and preventing admission wherever possible.

I feel the Fellowship will help me develop confidence in leadership areas, this is especially relevant when often dealing with CCGs and the local authority, which can sometimes be daunting. This will in turn give me more confidence to advocate for the people I support.  Having the ability to show more leadership in the event of crisis situations will also benefit my team. Developing leadership skills will also impact on my autonomy and the ability to make difficult decisions, often in crisis situations, which in turn will benefit the people I support.