Home About Us Supporting FoNS Donations
FoNS helps nurses and nurse-led teams to develop new ways of working to improve patient care. To enable us to support this innovative work, FoNS needs to continually strive to secure on-going funding. There are many ways in which you can help us to help nurses for the benefit of patients and patient care.
Donating via PayPal
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Donations by cheque
If you would like to make a donation to FoNS by cheque:
- Download the ‘regular donation’ or ‘single donation’ form (below)
- Please print off form, complete and return with cheque to Foundation of Nursing Studies, 11-13 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0AN
- If you are a UK taxpayer, please remember to tick the Gift Aid box as this enables us to claim back 25% on every donation made by eligible individuals
Thank you for your support
FoNS Single Donation and Gift Aid Form (DOC 270KB)FoNS Regular Donation and Gift Aid Form (DOC 274KB)