FoNS Joins Coalition on Corridor ‘Care’

FoNS is proud to be a member of this coalition of health and care organisations, led by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), which calls for our Government to take urgent action on the normalisation of corridor care* across the NHS. The letter written to our Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and the CEO for NHSE is here.

This is not news to FoNS. Our CEO Joanne Bosanquet co-wrote a blog for the Health Foundation with Heather Wilson, a registered nurse and former policy manager for The Health Foundation in February 2024 when this issue had been apparent for some time. The blog is here.

The RCN CEO and General Secretary, Nicola Ranger, became very vocal, appearing on BBC Newsnight in May 2024 and then spoke about corridor care at the RCN annual Congress in 2024. A report was published in June 2024 following their first survey, this can be read here. The RCN declared a national emergency, stating corridor care is a crisis.

Since then, corridor ‘care’ has become increasingly normalised. For those at the receiving end and their carers/families, it is unsafe, undignified and inhumane. It causes moral distress for our nursing and wider workforce and places registered nurses in compromised position, both ethically and morally.

The RCN recently published a comprehensive report: RCN report published. This follows a spot survey to RCN members over Christmas. Thousands of testimonies are included over 460 pages.

FoNS will continue to support this through the coalition and our CEO is available for comment.

Joanne Bosanquet, CEO [email protected] 0207 307 2857.

* clinical care taking place in an inappropriate environment (e.g. an additional bed in a bay, storage room, cupboard, waiting room, a corridor or a location not designed for patients).


The Foundation of Nursing Studies (FoNS) is a UK-based nursing charity with two main purposes: 

  1. Advance education among the members of the nursing profession and  
  1. Embed research into practice. 

Over the last 35 years, FoNS has established itself between research and practice through global communities of practice and focuses on person-centred practice development. FoNS works with nurses, midwives and their teams with a clear purpose- that individuals should experience health and social care as person-centred, safe and effective. This relates to those receiving and giving care as well as those in leadership positions.  

FoNS facilitates a number of development programmes and scholarships and is a proud partner of the Burdett Trust for Nursing.

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