Martin Hogan

Lead Professional Nurse Advocate, Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Resilience-based Clinical Supervision Participant

For me, it was actually game changing as a person who was delivering clinical supervision.

The programme really benefited my confidence and my professional practice in delivering clinical supervision and I now feel very confident about delivering supervision; there’s a real change in how I hold the space and how psychologically safe I am able to make people feel.

There’s also a real difference between before I did the programme and after. I’ve been supporting people throughout the 16 months I’ve been in the trust and they say I seem different now. I have also benefitted from building a network of other nurses as well, nurses that you wouldn’t necessarily get the opportunity to meet otherwise.

RBCS has also been useful to me when I’m talking about implementation of the PNA role with other professional advocates around the United Kingdom. When we’re talking about the difficulties people might have implementing the role, we can explore the psychology behind those difficulties, for example how the threat system might be influencing people’s behaviours.

Resilience-based Clinical Supervision enables PNAs to feel more confident in practice. On the PNA course, you’re not often taught how to actually do the supervision or the psychology behind it.

I would highly recommend it to any professional advocate.

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