Title of ArticleUsing person-centred principles to inform curriculum
Type of ArticleCritical Reflection on Practice Development
Author/sRebekkah Middleton and Tracey Moroney
ReferenceVolume 9, Issue 1, Article 10
Date of PublicationMay 2019
KeywordsConceptual framework, Person-centred Practice Framework, transformation, person-centred, curriculum


Background: This article focuses on the key reflection and learning by team members involved in preparing a bachelor of nursing curriculum in an Australian university, using person-centred principles and philosophical underpinnings as a conceptual framework. Conceptual frameworks, although used in many settings and with multiple applications, are essential organising structures that embed key factors in curriculum design. The bachelor of nursing curriculum aims to equip individuals to think critically and establish practices that are compassionate and transformative. It is therefore important that we reflect and determine how we will enact and evaluate the living document of the curriculum as it unfolds from its commencement in 2019.

Aim: This article aims to demonstrate how team members used a conceptual framework with embedded principles of person-centredness and the Person-centred Practice Framework to guide the structure of the curriculum.

Conclusion: The conceptual framework has supported the team to develop a curriculum that will help students develop and work in person-centred ways. This will in turn facilitate the building of effective and cohesive knowledge and practice, which is essential for the development and flourishing of successful registered nurses who can contribute to the creation of healthful cultures.

Implications for practice development:

  • Strategic and intentional use of the Person-centred Practice Framework, along with person-centred principles, are key steps in the preparation of a bachelor of nursing degree that enables graduates to practice authentically within their identified values and beliefs
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