Title of ArticleInternational Community of Practice for Person-centred Practice: position statement on person-centredness in health and social care
Type of ArticlePosition Statement on Person-centredness
Author/sBrendan McCormack and Jan Dewing
ReferenceVolume 9, Issue 1, Article 3
Date of PublicationMay 2019
KeywordsCurriculum development, professional development, person-centredness

The aim of this article is to position person-centredness in the context of contemporary approaches to curriculum development in health and social care, and identify core principles to underpin person-centred curricula.

Introduction and context

The International Community of Practice for Person-centred Practice (PcP-ICoP) is an international community of collaborating organisations committed to improving the understanding of person-centredness and its advancement in clinical practice, research, education/learning, facilitation, management, policy and strategy. The PcP-ICoP is hosted by Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh with partners from:

  • Ulster University, Northern Ireland
  • Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands
  • The University of South-East Norway
  • The University of Wollongong, Australia
  • Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
  • The University of Vienna, Austria
  • The Health Service Executive, Republic of Ireland
  • Solothurner Spitäler AG, Switzerland
  • NHS Lothian, Scotland

The PcP-ICoP co-ordinates a programme of research and scholarship, and supports collaborative publications and presentations, as well as a thriving community of practice for doctoral students who are studying aspects of person-centredness (the SICoP). Each of the partner organisations is engaged in teaching/learning, research and scholarship activities connected to person-centred practice.

In this section