Colette Datt MBE

Associate Director of Nursing, Babies & Children & Young People (B&CYP), North Mid University Hospital NHS Trust

Resilience-based Clinical Supervision (RBCS) Commissioner

At North Middlesex, RBCS is being embedded into daily nursing life in paediatrics. It’s used as part of coaching, and we include a session in most of our study days. We also use RBCS with students, and that way, to support/empower and enable their wellbeing/confidence as students and to give them a tool kit to continue to use when they become staff nurses. I recently met one of the students, who was quite upset. It was amazing, she was able to, using the RBCS toolkit, reframe the problem.

I have seen the impact that Resilience-based Clinical Supervision had in practice, in a number of ways.

It has made so many individuals feel better in terms of wellbeing and ability to cope. It enables them to prioritise their own wellbeing. I am aware of some of the facilitators inadvertently using the tools on me also on stressful days. It is incredible how it empowers staff to speak up: so important in our current health climate.

Another aspect I’ve noticed is how it helps the junior nurses. They have to do the EPALS (European Paediatric Advanced Life Support) Course and previously we were getting a very low pass rate. The Practice Development team started to facilitate RBCS with them, grounding them and supporting them when they do their practical exams. This has transformed the pass rate to 100% over a 6-12 month period.

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