Morisenuola Ladele

Chief Nurse Fellow (BAME), Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

FoNS Inspire Improvement Fellow

When I did the Inspire Improvement Fellowship, I was working in an early intervention community service, working with three different organisations that had to be integrated. Using fun, creative methods, thinking outside the box we were able to explore how we want to work together as a new team, what our values are. We had a laugh, but we were able to open up and work out what we do well, what we want to improve and how we want to move forward as a team. And we got feedback from bank and agency staff that they felt part of the team too.

These ways of working have continued even since I’ve moved jobs, there’s been a lasting impact.

For myself, I have grown as a person and a leader. I’ve moved on to being a Chief Nurse Fellow for the Trust and I work with the exec team. I never thought I would be in this space or able to meet the people that I’m working with or make an impact on such a large scale.

The Fellowship has given me life-long support. It gives me the courage to go on, to speak up; I know I have a voice. Two years on, it’s still stuck with me!

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