Our new Chair and Trustees

We are delighted to welcome our new Chair and Trustees. 

 Joanne Bosanquet, FoNS CEO said: “At our annual AGM in September, we said a fond farewell to our Chair of 5 years Dr David Foster. David has steered us expertly and I would like to thank David personally for his wise counsel and guidance.’ 

 ‘In November, we will welcome two new Trustees, Professor Marion Lynch and Robert Pettigrew and our new Chair Professor Jo Pritchard. We are thoroughly delighted and can’t wait to get going into the next phase of our organisational journey.’ 

 David said: ‘It has been an honour and a privilege to serve FoNS as its Chair for the last five years. We have been through challenging times but the dedication of the trustees, the energy of the chief executive and the commitment and enthusiasm of the team have enabled FoNS to flourish. I am delighted Jo Pritchard has been appointed as the new chair and that she takes over a thriving and agile organisation.’ 

Jo Pritchard OBE - ChairJo has spent her career working in health and social care as a nurse, senior manager and leader. She worked in most areas of the NHS as well as over two years in the American health care system. 

‘I am delighted and honoured to have been appointed as FoNS’ new Chair. David Foster has provided great leadership for many years and will be a hard act to follow: he steered the exceptional Board of Trustees and staff team through some challenging times. I am looking forward to using my experience in healthcare, charity and social enterprise, plus my passion for nursing, to ensure that the team at FoNS flourish in all that they do and together we realise the vision of person-centred, safe and effective care.’ 

Marion Lynch BEM - TrusteeMarion is a global health consultant, nurse, researcher and educator with 40 years’ experience in the NHS and international health.  

‘I am delighted and honoured to be invited into the FoNS family as a Trustee. I hope to do the role, and our profession justice by supporting the innovation, education and motivation of nurses needed to develop 21st Century nurses and nursing.’  

Robert Pettigrew, FRSA, MCIPR - TrusteeRobert, an economist by background, is a policy and communications professional who has been involved in various different charities, social enterprise and public appointments.  

‘I am delighted to have been offered this opportunity to serve as a trustee, and look forward to contributing to the work of the Foundation of Nursing Studies. The Foundation’s vision – inspiring and enabling a culture across health and social care that values people, where patients, residents and service-users experience care that is the best that it can be – is something which resonates strongly with me. At a time when there is so much debate about the pressures facing public policy choices, and challenges facing those who are committed to the delivery of person-centred care, the work of the Foundation could not be more important, and I am excited about the prospect of contributing positively to that agenda.’ 

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