Title of ArticleGlimpsing communicative spaces
Type of ArticleConference Supplement Article
Author/sJane Stokes
ReferenceVolume 3, Conference Supplement, Article 7
Date of PublicationMarch 2013
Keywordscommunicative spaces, person-centred, practice development, shared values and beliefs

This gallery of photographs represent some of the communicative spaces experienced in an environment where creative ways of working were constructed at a recent conference. The conference hosted by England Centre for Practice Development and organised by CARN and IPDC, was held in Ashford, Kent, UK in November 2012. A conference that brings together participants working in the world of practice development is seen to live out its shared values and beliefs about working in person-centred ways, allowing the creativity to flow within communicative spaces. These photographs capture some of these spaces in action, from small group work, to the use of a variety of media including  writing, music, speech and reading. The networking opportunities for learning in communicative spaces cannot be over emphasised. These photographs aim to evoke ideas for future inclusion of communicative spaces at conferences and events that bring together people with a common purpose to further their knowledge and practice, sharing ideas and experiences of different ways of working.

Jane Stokes (MA, Cert.Ed., RN) is a nurse, a freelance photographer and a former senior nurse practice development at a large inner city acute trust. Jane developed the EVOKE cards (http://www.evokecards.com; @evokecards; evokecards@gmail.com) as a set of images to be used by facilitators working with groups of people exploring ideas, memories, thoughts, moods and emotions. A helpful resource for all those working in practice development.

This article by Jane Stokes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 License.

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