Donna Goulty

Nurse/Social Worker, STEPS Rehabilitation, Sheffield

I work as a nurse and social worker at a Neurological and Trauma Rehabilitation centre called STEPS. We support people with various conditions such as strokes and other acquired brain injuries, with varying levels of complexities and severities. I am part of a multidisciplinary team and when on shift I am responsible for running the floor, leading, and delegating as well as fulfilling nursing needs such as acute health, staff training and person-centred care planning. As a social worker, I specialise is assisting people with mental capacity assessment processes plus matters like benefit entitlement applications.

I also work for an organisation called SPEAKUP Self Advocacy which is a learning disability/Autism advocacy service. This is multifaceted in terms of tasks, but I complete easy read translation for things like LeDeR reports, national campaigns, and training for and with people with learning disabilities and/or autism as well as creating hospital passports.

I would like to support people to support themselves, creating a leadership role which is approachable, supportive, instilling of confidence and enthusiasm in a team and seeing the positive effects this has for staff and service users/patients. A good leader inspires and enables a good and effective working environment whilst responding to issues and concerns, conducive to a culture of openness and honesty.