Daniel Branch

Community Learning Disability Nurse, Ormskirk Hospital, Lancashire

I work as a Community Learning Disability Nurse in the Intensive Support Team (IST) for Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust. The IST currently works with people aged 16 + with learning disabilities who are presenting in crisis with a risk of either their placement breaking down or admission to hospital. The team provides intensive assessment, intervention and support to manage and maintain the placement, working collaboratively with the MDT. Referrals will sit with either the mental health or positive behaviour support pathway, for up to 12 weeks input, which includes home visits, assessments and data gathering to try and identify the function of the presenting difficulties and appropriate support to prevent this from happening. Support includes providing evidence based recommendations, role modelling, staff training and reflection and wrap around support.

As a learning disability nurse, I am determined to maximise my knowledge, skills and potential to be the best nurse, advocate and team member that I can be. I believe that the amazing people I work with in my team and the vulnerable people I support need and deserve nothing less. I believe that this will be a valuable developmental opportunity that resonates with both my own and the team’s feelings on patient care. We do a lot of face-to-face meetings with patients and families who are in crisis. Having the opportunity to develop both my situational awareness skills to be able to sensitively gather as much information as possible, and my leadership skills to enable me to better determine what to do in that situation both in terms of myself and directing and supporting others will be beneficial for both myself and the IST.